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Why choose us?

Why choose us ?

I can offer a variety of cooperation , flexible approach , on-site maintenance for parts , repair parts can live , you can mail service , you can repair parts and accessories sales.

Why choose us ?

Our engineers are experienced engineers have many years of experience , a lot of engineers have done for many years after-sales service in the factory , there are many engineers are still factory maintenance engineers , we also have more than can be done without drawing chip-level maintenance engineer looking for a professional
people to do professional things , is the reason you choose us , we also have a professional company to do the engineers, to serve specialized equipment .

Why choose us ?

Private company owned factory engineers, and we are cheap, plentiful accessories ! Can quickly and efficiently complete maintenance services .

Why choose us ?

We also have many part-time engineers across the country, our company can repair a variety of equipment , our company can also provide substantial resources information services , even I also can be jointly owned company to join the cooperative . Cooperation once, the next time you can not perform well
free customers, our company will recommend your business to more hospitals and peers.

Why choose us ?

I strictly enforce standardized management , cooperation has a contract with the warranty , so customers trust us to reassure customers to cooperate with us , we are very important to adhere to .

Beijing HuaZe connor technology co., LTD. All rights reserved
Telephone: fax: 13391816794 13391816794
Beijing qinghe peace zhuang east road, haidian district, tower 2, 18, 302